STUDIO is the name of a great past local discotheque.
In autumn 2015 I had an opportunity to rethink the club interior and visuals.
The first opening was ten years ago. The equipment was very obsolete, and old fashioned already.
I would have liked to make a youthful and classic atmosphere in one, which focused at each point
to rhythm and music. 
My goal was to create a strong image which reflect the name good enough and make good new vibe.
Under designing I reached back to the 80's to the golden age of disco cult and I highlighted some
classic elements for example ghettoblaster and compact cassette to present them for the newest 
The second line on which I started to work has origin a bit earlier. That was the classic op-art.
I think this two direction with the modern industrial style make a really unusual, but pleasant space.
Therefore the logo is based  on op-art style lines with musical vibration. 
This vibration passes through the whole interior. 
INTERIOR ELEMENTS In the foreground there are some posters organized in like a small gallery 
on the way to the cloakroom. Pictures about musical legends with their signature and negligible 
however telling quotes from the stars. In the entrance of the club there are two optical illusion posters, 
which captivate the people.
At the back of the club and there is a special section wrapped soundproofing foam gives the autenthic
studio atmosphere.
I divide the space to thematically parts and consistently numbered them. All parts has other function.
The music and rhythm synonyms what I used on the walls increases the impression.

The aim was people feel the space where where something happens in every moment the visit should
be exciting and eventful.
One of the main element of the interior is the neon sign with the logo. It determines the mood nicely.
In this point meet the op art vibe with one of device from the 80's and modernism together.
At the beginning of the work when when everything has been dismantled inside there remain
two concrete supporting columns and the beautiful ventilating technology on the ceiling .
This two columns helped me to divide the sections. I completed them with copies to imitate the
structure in the long wall next the existing columns, and I duplicate two other because of the symmetry.
The new columns are only half-built because they should not be too large relative to place.
Theese columns determined the central place in the middle of the club face each other. Between the 
columns built the first bar and the DJ console framed the dance floor. 
I designed a bit quieter spacious area in the same place behind of the DJ console where the music
is not too loud and and people can talk to each other without having to stay out of the party.
The two existing columns got relevant and fun quotes to lift the mood. 
Interior graphic elements
The vertical logo with typographic elements
The poster collection:
The „Iggy story”

One of the poster collection is telling about Iggy Pop. This framed picture original location was in the
women's toilet next to the mirror.
The quote from Iggy is really telling: „Wow, I'm very great looking.”
At the end of the opening party someone had stolen this picture from the frame. On the next week we
printed a large (whole wall sized) copy from this image and we hung it to the corridor wall as memories.
Also in response to we made another poster to the women's toilet with Shaggy with the inscription:
„It wasn't me” , because the communication of walls must always works.
Graphic design & art direction:    
                                                      Molnár Péter
Interior design:                              
                                                      Molnár Péter
Decoration work:
                                                      Horváth Zsolt
                                                      Szalay Péter
Interior photography:
                                                      Nádudvari Petra
Special thanks to
                                                      Ludányi Zsolt

Thank you for your attention.
Check my facebook if you feel like ;)
photo by Mészáros Renátó
STUDIO (2015)


STUDIO (2015)

STUDIO is the name of a great past local discotheque. In autumn 2015 I had an opportunity to rethink the club interior and visuals.
